Category Archives: Tips

Here you will find marketing tips and tricks and hacks for improving your online social media accounts and content. Follow us for more tips

5 Proven Strategies for Successful Paid Social Media Advertising

5 Proven Strategies for Successful Paid Social Media Advertising

Defining Your Target Audience: The First Step to Successful Paid Social Media Advertising Are you tired of throwing money at social media advertising campaigns that don’t deliver results? You’re not alone. Many businesses struggle to get the most out of their paid advertising efforts on social media, but the good news is that it is […]

10 Jolly Christmas tips for local businesses

10 Jolly Christmas tips for local businesses

10 Jolly Christmas tips for local businesses The holiday season is a crucial time for local businesses, with many customers looking to shop and support their community. As a local business owner, it’s important to capitalise on this opportunity by promoting your products and services and creating a festive atmosphere for your customers. In this […]

What are the Top 8 Social Media Apps in 2022?

Top 8 Social Media Apps

Ever wondered what the top 8 social media apps that marketers use are? We’re looking forward to hearing about the latest trends in Social Media and the top applications of 2022 Twitch Live streaming is becoming more and more popular for video content consumption. Twitch is one of the most popular and successful apps in […]

5 good LinkedIn Post Ideas for Every Day of the (working) Week

5 LinkedIn Post Ideas for Every Day of the (working) Week

Looking for Linkedin Post Ideas for every Day of the week? First let’s cover: Why You Should Always Have an Updated LinkedIn Profile LinkedIn is a social networking site that has been around since 2003. The site’s main purpose is to connect people who might not otherwise have met. LinkedIn operates by allowing members to […]

52 Easy Marketing Ideas to help you increase your influence

52 Easy Marketing Ideas to help you increase your influence

52 Easy Marketing Ideas to help you increase your influence If you are like most business owners and entrepreneurs online, you are looking for ways to build and increase your own ‘Tribe’ online. Here are 52 easy-to-implement marketing ideas that you can start using today: 1. Fine-tune Keywords and Buzz Words – Make it easy […]