5 good LinkedIn Post Ideas for Every Day of the (working) Week

5 LinkedIn Post Ideas for Every Day of the (working) Week

Looking for Linkedin Post Ideas for every Day of the week? First let’s cover: Why You Should Always Have an Updated LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a social networking site that has been around since 2003. The site’s main purpose is to connect people who might not otherwise have met. LinkedIn operates by allowing members to create profiles and then be able to contact other members in an attempt to find employment, do business, or become friends.

The site operates through the use of networks and groups, which are basically the same thing with different names. Networks are basically just groups that you have joined, while groups are created by other users who want to share common interests.

A LinkedIn profile is a personal summary of yourself that you can create on LinkedIn where you list your skills and work experience. It’s important to update your profile because it will show up in search engine results if someone searches for your name or company name on Google or Bing or yahoo.

linkedin post ideasMonday: Create an Elevator Pitch for Your Business

An elevator pitch is a short, succinct speech that sums up your business and is designed to capture the interest of a prospective investor or customer.

An elevator pitch must be concise in order to hold someone’s attention for the duration of an elevator ride. They should also be memorable so that after the conversation has ended, they are still able to recall what you said.

The purpose of an elevator pitch is to start a conversation with someone who may be interested in what you have to offer, NOT to sell them on your product or service.

Tuesday: What are the top 3 things you do on a day-to-day basis?

This is a question you might get when you are interviewing for a job. It is a way to find out how well you fit in with the company culture.

Here are the top 3 things I do on a day-to-day basis:

1) I write content for our blog and social media channels

2) I manage our social media accounts

3) I answer questions from customers on our customer service chat

Wednesday: Share your Goals with Your Network

This is a great way to get feedback and support from your network. You can also find out what others are working on and what goals they have set for themselves.

One of the best ways to get feedback is by sharing your goals with your network. This will allow you to see what other people are doing, as well as get some insight into their goals.

This is a great way for you to get feedback and support from your network. You can also find out what others are working on and what goals they have set for themselves

Thursday: How to Secure Your Personal Information Online?

With the rise of cyber-attacks and hacking, it is more important than ever to protect your personal information online. Here are some ways that you can do so:

1) Use different passwords for different websites. This will make it harder for hackers to crack your password if they get their hands on one of your passwords.

2) Enable two-factor authentication on all accounts where possible. This will require the use of a code sent to your phone before you can log in, making it much more difficult for someone else to access your account.

3) Use a password manager such as Dashlane or LastPass that generates unique passwords for every site you visit and stores them securely in one place.

Friday: Who are you following on LinkedIn and why?

People are using LinkedIn as a networking tool to connect with other professionals. They can follow these people for inspiration, to learn about their work, and to get ideas on how to improve their own skills.

In this section, I will be discussing who I am following on LinkedIn and why. I have chosen to follow these people because they have a strong professional background in the field of digital marketing.

I follow many people on LinkedIn, but there are a few that stand out to me. The first person is Mark Walker Ford (@Markwalkerford). Mark has an impressive background in digital marketing. His experience in the field is what led me to follow him, as he has been able to learn from his mistakes and successes over the years.

Who are you following? Let Us Know