Why You Should Stop Selling A Menu Of Services And Start Selling Transformations Instead

Marketing Advice NI |

Why You Should Stop Selling A Menu Of Services And Start Selling Transformations Instead

This is a classic mistake that businesses in all industries and markets make.
As a service business – if you’re just selling a list of procedures or services then you’re not tapping into the real underlying human desire that motivates people to pay for those services.

The classic often cited example is the drill-bit scenario.
“No one wants a drill bit. They want a hole.”
But in my opinion that analysis doesn’t even go far enough.


Because the hole is not the endpoint in the transformation.
No one goes to the hardware store and says-

‘What I really want is a hole.’

The hole is just the middle stage in the transformation.
The final stage of the transformation is what people really want – the new desired state.

So in the drill bit scenario – what they really want is those warm, satisfying feelings of love and pride they get when they hang their beautiful family picture up on the wall or every time they feel that way again when they walk past.Stop Selling A Menu Of Services
It makes them feel more complete and that has been the desired transformation.

In the same way – no one’s desired new state is to travel to a business like yours – that’s not a transformation.

Using your business is the ‘Bridge’ between the current and desired new state.
The desired new state is rooted in things like emotion, status, love or esteem.

So when writing marketing copy – it pays to understand your ideal customer’s current state, their current problem (beyond the obvious) and the true transformation they wish to experience.

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